Scanning Resolution
The resolution our scanners capture at is customized for your particular application. When capturing small objects, we adjust the system to capture at extremely high resolution. Larger objects or smooth objects need lower resolution, or the amount of data becomes overwhelming to even modern computers. High resolution scans of larger objects can be achieved with extra scan passes.
This custom approach allows us to capture jewelry detail at extremely high resolution, sculptural or relief data at a high resolution, and larger objects at a medium resolution. The 3d scan capture resolution is customized to meet the requirements of the scan.
Example scan of chess piece – 7″ tall figurine. The left white figure is the actual chess piece, the right figure that appears as red wax is the 3d scan data opened in 3d modeling software.
A detail view of the prototyped 3d print from the 3d data captured, side by side with the original piece. Bright white plastic is the result 3d printed version.
Side by side of the original with the prototype quality 3d printed copy of the figurine